Platforms for Creating a new website

Platform For website development

1. WordPress

WordPress is a free, open-source website-building platform. It is a Content management system (CMS) created in PHP that utilizes a MySQL database on a more technical level. The most user-friendly and powerful blogging and website-building platform available today is WordPress. Both the backend (the interface where a user logs in to make changes or add new material) and the frontend (the interface where a user views the website) are Given by WordPress. if you are a beginner then WordPress is best For Creating a new website

2. Shopify

Shopify is an e-commerce platform that lets you set up both an online and offline business. WordPress is used by bloggers. Shopify is used by store owners. Using Shopify POS and your own website, you may sell both online and in person. This eCommerce website builder includes something for everyone, from beginners to eCommerce experts.

You may sign up for a free 14-day trial of Shopify to try it out for yourself. During your trial, you can create your own online store, try out free Shopify apps, and make your first sale if you market hard enough. Most first-time store owners, though, begin with Shopify’s Basic plan, which costs $29 a month. Base on your business needs, you have to select Shopify, Advanced Shopify, or Shopify Plus if you’ve been in business for a while. If you know Nothing about Web Development then Shopify is best for Creating a new website

3. Majento

Magento is an open-source e-commerce platform that provides online retailers with a customizable shopping cart system as well as control over their online store’s style, content, and functionality. The marketing, SEO, and catalogue management options in Magento are all very powerful.

CommonPlaces uses the community-based Magento software for our eCommerce clients. Because of Magento’s scalability, small businesses with a few products and basic requirements can rapidly scale to tens of thousands of products and complex bespoke behaviour without moving platforms. Shopify has a number of plug-ins and themes that can be used to improve a customer’s experience.

4. Hubspot

HubSpot released software in 2006 to assist businesses with their inbound marketing tactics. Fast forward to today and HubSpot’s Growth Stack software is used by over 30,000 enterprises in over 90 countries to help them establish sales funnels, and drive revenue growth. Many marketing and sales leaders, on the other hand, have no idea what HubSpot is or how it may help their company.

HubSpot’s Growth Stack includes CRM and sales enablement technologies, but HubSpot Marketing is the backbone of the stack. Businesses may use HubSpot Marketing to combine all of their marketing tools into a single platform that shares the same data. It has everything a marketer needs to boost website traffic, converts visitors into leads, and “close the loop” to give a demonstrable return on investment. The following is a list of HubSpot Marketing’s features.

5. Joomla 

Joomla is a content management system that is both free and open-source (CMS). It enables you to create dynamic web pages and applications with ease. It includes an easy-to-use design that allows you to get the most out of its features and functionality.

Joomla has grown in popularity over the last decade to become one of the most extensively used content management systems on the planet. It has effectively captured a vast fanbase since its start in 2005, and it has over 99 million downloads to date.

Joomla was created in PHP and stores data in a MySQL database using object-oriented programming techniques. It may be installed in single click Hundreds of information exist on the internet to assist you in installing Joomla. There are various Joomla hosting services available.

6. PHP

PHP is a server-side scripting language that allows you to create dynamic web pages with a lot of flexibility. The beauty of PHP is that it has all of the features and benefits of a commercial programming language while being an open-source development platform. The usage of PHP in web design offers a long-lasting and stable website structure capable of handling large traffic. Although it is a requirement for utilizing PHP that a user has a working knowledge of programming languages, it is only available to developers. As a result, as an Indian website development business, we strive to create platform-agnostic, server- and database-friendly, and secure websites. ​

7. Open kart

Open Cart is a well-known e-commerce platform that is both easy to use and quick. The ease of installation on shared hosting, the enormous variety of themes and templates available, and a simple admin panel are just a few of the benefits of using Open Cart.

We wanted to share the most essential platforms with you, therefore we listed them above. However, t a few others, such as Drupal, Ruby on Rails, Prestashop, and others, can be used to create a website that meets your needs.

Determine your strengths and weaknesses, then select a platform that streamlines your workflow and allows you to produce websites faster.

8. Django website

Django is a high-level Python web framework that emphasizes rapid development and a simple, practical design. this was built by professional developers to take care of a lot of the headaches of web development so you can concentrate on developing your app instead of reinventing the wheel. It is open-source and free. Our developers are best at developing web apps on Django. Contact us Now to get in touch with the best Django Development Company.

Creating a new website? – Here are some useful tips

  • consider what your customers want to know rather than what you want to say.
  • Make use of professionals to assist you. Customers are turned off by an unprofessional website.
  • Regularly update your website, especially if it contains information about your prices.
  • Make sure your contact information is up to date and easy to find for your consumers.
  • Include a link to your website on your business cards and in your marketing materials.
  • Learn how to make it simple for search engines like Google to find your website. website is referred to as search engine optimization (SEO). A web developer can assist you with your website’s SEO.

Most customers expect to be able to find your business on the Internet. If you want to sell your things online or merely provide information about your firm and contact information, you’ll need a website.

It’s a good idea to think about what you want to achieve with your website before you start developing it.


Creating a new website? you need to follow 4 basic steps.

To create new website follow 4 basic steps

1. Register your domain name

First, you have to buy or register your domain online.

your domain does not expire if you keep a record and renew the domain on time. Allowing your domain name to expire exposes your company to cyber criminals. The Australian Cyber Security Centre has more information on the dangers of abandoned domain names.

2. Find a web hosting company

You’ll need to choose a web hosting company to get your domain name online. The majority of major internet service providers offer web hosting services. They could also be able to provide you with a few email addresses. They may also be able to give you a number of email addresses.


3. Prepare your content

Consider what you want your website visitors to be able to do when they come. This will help you decide which sections or pages to include in your document.

You could want to engage a professional to write and structure your content, just as you might hire a professional to design your site.

Your company will stand out from the crowd if it has a well-designed and user-friendly website. If you supply customers with relevant and appropriate content and pictures, they will feel more comfortable purchasing from your firm.

4. Build Your Website

You have the option of creating your own website or hiring a web developer to do it for you. They must be updated on a regular basis and so factor this into your budgeting.
With the help of a website publishing package, you can establish your own website. These are similar to word processors, but they come with built-in features for converting text and photographs to online content and publishing it to your website.

If you’re new to an online company, having someone else build your website is a good option. A competent web developer can help you build your site quickly and provide you with advice on how to make it look good. Hiring a professional is especially beneficial if you plan to open an online store or provide other services through your website. So for Creating a new website you must hire a professional like WebservX.

  • After Creating your website you have to hire a Best SEO Agency For Website Ranking on Google’s top page.

8 Tactics to Improve Your Website’s User Experience After Creating a new website

8 Tactics to Improve Your Website’s User Experience

1. Make use of conventions

When it comes to websites, stick to the rules.

Why? People are accustomed to these customs. We can quickly detect stop signs on the road, for example. As a result, we can benefit from human behaviour.

Some claim that if you don’t follow the rules, how can you be more creative?

It’s very understandable. When it comes to fantastic user experience, however, I’d maintain my creativity aligned with the masses’ cognitive process.

2. Maintain visual and typographic hierarchies 

To improve readability, text in the material should be easily discernible. Typically, there are three to four levels:

  1. Title (H1)
  2. Headings (H2)
  3. Sub-headings (H3)
  4. Paragraph/body text


3. Format text for the kids

For easier reading, use a sans-serif typeface.

On digital screens, sans-serif typefaces like Arial, Helvetica, and others are simpler to read than serif fonts like Georgia, Times New Roman, and others.

4. Don’t let your website shout

Have you ever been to a website that seems to be screaming for your attention? I’m referring to websites that have a lot of animations, colors, superfluous clutter, jumbled content, and popups that never go away.

5. Clicked, make it obvious

The truth is that most visitors to your website are on a mission and are always in a rush. As a result, they desire to have what they want as soon as possible. As a result, you’ll want to make it immediately visible and obvious.

6. Omit needless words

You should consider what is most important to you and what should be most important to your visitors.

Remove anything that does not have a direct impact on people’s decisions. Make it a practice to express more with fewer words rather than creating a lot of stuff.

You also don’t want to overload your audience with too much information. Your website should be simple to navigate.

7. Tell your visitors where they are using the site navigation, the right way

The last thing you want a visitor to do when perusing your website is get lost. Users should be able to figure out where they are and how to get somewhere using the site navigation.

8. Optimize website performance, for a smooth user experience

Not only is the design, and content of your website vital, but so is how your website is produced and maintained.

Good website performance aids in the improvement of:

  1. Obviously, user experience is important.
  2. SEO stands for search engine optimization.
  3. Getting to your conversion targets
  4. More money equals a well-optimized website.

Optimize website speed/load times

Many challenges can be solved with responsive design. Improve the quality of your photographs. They contribute the most to downloading webpage assets. Reduce the file size to the smallest achievable amount without sacrificing quality.

  • Reduce the size of scripts and stylesheets.
  • Cache website resources using a Content Delivery Network (CDN).
  • Remove any extraneous components or features that slow down the browsing experience and frustrate the user.
  • adapts to the screen size.
  • It improves the user experience.
  • cost-effective
  • Easier to code. Hence, it is easier to manage.

Once you successfully create your website on Google, then all you need to know is how to rank your website on Google. Here is a full guide by webservX to Rank Your Website on Google: – How we will Rank Your Website on Google